schedule footvolley EC

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saturday-1 set till 18 max 21

10.30-FV A1-A2FV B1-B2
11.00-FV A3-A4FV B3-B4
11.30-FV A5-A6FV B5-B6
12.00-FV A1-A3FV B1-B3
12.30-FV A2-A5FV B2-B5
13.00-FV A4-A6FV B4-B6
13.30-FV A1-A4FV B1-B4
14.00-FV A2-A6FV B2-B6
14.30-FV A3-A5FV B3-B5
15.00-FV A1-A6FV B1-B6
15.30-FV A2-A3FV B2-B3
16.00-FV A4-A5FV B4-B5
16.30-FV A1-A5FV B1-B5
17.00-FV A2-A4FV B2-B4
17.30-FV A3-A6FV B3-B6

sunday- best of three

10.00-quarterfinals 1 and 2 (a)
11.00-quarterfinals 3 and 4(b)
11.45-losers quarterfinals a and b
12.45-semi final and place 7
13.30-semi final and place 5
14.30-place 3
15.15-Final Volleyball
16.15-Final Footvolley
17.00-price ceremony

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